Welcome to the website for Solano County GIS.


Solano County and Regional GIS Consortium

Terms and Conditions

By using this data, the user acknowledges that it is possible that errors and omissions will occur in data input or programming done by the County or for the County to provide the GIS layers and/or other data in the form desired. The user further understands and agrees that it is possible that errors and omissions will occur in record keeping processes, especially when large numbers of records are developed and maintained, and that data may not meet the user's standards as to accuracy or completeness. Notwithstanding, the user agrees to take the data “as is”, fully expecting that there may be errors and omissions associated with the data. The user further understands and agrees that the County makes absolutely no warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, thoroughness, value, quality, validity, merchantability, suitability, condition or fitness for a particular purpose of the data or any programming used to obtain the data, nor as to whether the data is error-free, up-to-date, complete or based upon accurate or meaningful facts. This data layer was made using Solano County GIS files with varying degrees of scale, accuracy, precision, correctness, and alignment and therefore cannot be used for situations requiring survey grade measurement. Solano County disclaims liability for any loss that may result from the use of its data and user accepts any and all risks associated with using this data. User acknowledges data limitations and accepts responsibility for data based judgments.


Plain text explanation:
The maps and information you see on this website are made using Solano County’s GIS data. While we everyone involved works carefully, this data may not always be accurate or complete. The maps are for showing general information, not for making exact measurements. If you need precise information, you should talk to a licensed surveyor.

By using this data, you understand that there could be mistakes in the data or how it’s been made. Big projects with lots of records can sometimes have errors. You agree to use the data as it is, even though it might not be perfect.

Solano County does not promise that the data is correct, complete, or that it will meet your needs. The County is not responsible for any loss or problems that happen when you use the data. You accept that using this data comes with some risks, and you are responsible for any decisions you make based on it.

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